An unexpected error occurred. This could be a temporary problem, or some code is behaving incorrectly. If this problem persists, please email this page to with details of what you were doing at the time this message appeared.


Can't use "%5BBug%20creation%5D" as a field name.


 at Bugzilla/ line 1810, <DATA> line 960.
	Bugzilla::Search::_handle_chart(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 1661
	Bugzilla::Search::__ANON__(...) called at Bugzilla/Search/ line 84
	Bugzilla::Search::Clause::walk_conditions(...) called at Bugzilla/Search/ line 87
	Bugzilla::Search::Clause::walk_conditions(...) called at Bugzilla/Search/ line 87
	Bugzilla::Search::Clause::walk_conditions(...) called at Bugzilla/Search/ line 87
	Bugzilla::Search::Clause::walk_conditions(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 1661
	Bugzilla::Search::_charts(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 1646
	Bugzilla::Search::_charts_to_conditions(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 761
	Bugzilla::Search::_sql(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 707
	Bugzilla::Search::data(...) called at /var/www/ line 760